There's A Riot Going On What a sound Favorite track: If you like Monophonics, you may also like:. However, the album is much more than just a collection of genre melding sounds solid songwriting is the core of this collection. John recording at Black Ark studios. monophonics in your brain

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Ikebe Shakedown is another great artist on the Ubiquity Records label. Jonathan Garcia Their song is amazing with great vocals. They have been legends since 40 years. Equal parts rock, funk, and soul make for a heavy, authentic sound.

Revolution hardly ever sounds as danceable as this one.

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If you already have an account at HHV Mag, you can login below. Paris Heavy brass funk with a move your body beat all the tracks are good listening. There is freedom in the confusion: Thanks, never heard of them until your post.

Stone By Stone by Ikebe Shakedown. Sure Is Funky If you like Monophonics, you may also like:. In Your Brain Say You Love Me Killion Vaults by Orgone.

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This is what Ibiza could sound like again if it was cleaned from shattered glass and vomit. John recording at Black Ark studios.

It was all over again for me. Absolutely fantastic band—if you have the opportunity, go see them play. This record wants to be conquered: It will now be reissued with a new mastering. yoyr

Posted on April 18, April 17, The Monophonics. How long could this trend last?

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Well appearently it is! The writing at the heart of the LP helps make jn something completely original as well as something rooted in the past.

The Monophonics :: In Your Brain

Tags funk soul bang bang funk in your brain in your brain monophonics psychedelic san francisco theres a riot going on ubiquity records San Francisco. Fantastic modern funky psychedelic soul. They Don't Understand There's A Riot Going On 7". Purchasable with gift card.

In Your Brain | Monophonics

Or browse results titled:. In Your Brain by The Monophonics answers those questions for me. Monophonics go to album. The Black Seeds play new music in such a serene manner that it gets all the more exciting for the listeners. But is it really jazz?


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